Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time To Cancel The Cable Subscription, Honey

The US has a very different culture of work and rest than Europe. Three times a year the country slows to a halt and people disconnect to be with family and friends. This past weekend was one of those occasions, Memorial Day weekend. Everyone was off on Monday and the streets were awfully quiet as people stayed home, attended cook outs and hopefully stopped to remember and honor those who gave everything for the rest of us.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Seeds of Our Destruction: Guest Post

I am in the process of applying for my citizenship. Its incredible how much history is behind what made the US the country it is today. As history has taught us, there is no perfect. There is no country or era in history where things were perfect. You can definitely categorize historic periods in terms of growth, evolution and innovation. And you can also map depression, war and turmoil.