Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A Little Old School for LinkedIn Users

When I graduated business school and entered the workforce for the first time I was fortunate to have chosen an opportunity that got me the coaching and mentorship every young professional needs. My boss, mentor and today friend, Dan, taught me a lot of things, from effective business writing to how to order in a  French restaurant to his incredible thought process. But the number one lesson he drilled into me echoed what my father always taught us growing up: your credibility is everything.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What Do You Think?

In the last two decades of my professional career we have had three recessions, one depression (current), one oil crisis, one oil disaster, a slew of natural disasters from Katrina to the Asian tsunami to multiple earthquakes, the fall of the Soviet Union, an internet boom (and bust), a real estate boom (and bust), two Wall Street crisis of confidence, 9-11, three major wars, a new Pope and the third impeachment of a US President in history. Throughout these events we have scrutinized many things about our global system of commerce, but one area has not come under much scrutiny... 

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Missing Element Of Success: Taking Care of Your Body

The past few weeks I have been putting together the contents for a blog on the importance of personal training and why its imperative for leaders, managers, professionals and individuals young and old to focus on their physical, nutritional and mental health. The basic message is you must incorporate taking care of your body into your day-to-day life. If you want to be successful at your profession and with your family then you have to workout and eat the right foods. However as life happens I wanted to share an experience from this evening that in my view reinforces the absolute need for all of us to exercise, build strength and eat the right foods.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Battle For Talent

One of the challenges facing businesses of all sizes today is finding, developing and keeping the right talent. While unemployment is at record highs all over the world, and companies don't look to be adding great numbers of head count in the near future, one thing remains certain: good people are in high demand like never before.